Lactation Education
Participants of this interactive class learn about the art of latching the baby onto the breast, and how important this fundamental stage is to the success of breastfeeding in general. Certified Lactation Educator Counselors or Certified Lactation Consultants provide concise and accurate information for expectant mothers, and couples are encouraged to attend so your partner can offer greater support.
Discussion subjects during the 3-hour class include:
Advantages of human milk over formula
Anatomy and Physiology of Breastfeeding
Positioning and Latching techniques
How to tell if your baby is getting enough?
Breastfeeding Plan
Common Concerns in Breastfeeding or Lactation
Pumps and Equipment
Going back to work
Maternal Nutrition / Dieting / Meds / Birth Control
Myths associated with Breastfeeding or Lactation
How to build a Support System