Infant CPR Class
Our mission with this class is to prepare parents, family members, and childcare professionals to be able to deal with the most unlikely of events and increase the likelihood of a positive outcome in a potential health crisis.
We follow the American Red Cross syllabus, providing access to simulated emergency situations with life-like manikins.
Learn how to give emergency attention to an injured child or infant before the arrival of the paramedics, including basic CPR and skills to clear a blocked airway.
Learn steps to respond to common injuries.
Learn how to respond when specific injuries are sustained such as head injuries, burns, poisonings, seizures etc
We highly recommend all parents, grandparents and childcare providers attend this potentially life-saving course.
Sign up here for our Infant CPR class, and join us in this exciting journey to an increased confidence in your ability to positively affect the lives of those around you that matter most when an unexpected event occurs.