HypnoBirthing® class
HypnoBirthing®, otherwise known as The Mongan Method, is a unique method of natural childbirth education combined with self-hypnosis techniques. HypnoBirthing® allows mothers to connect with their natural intuitive ways of childbirth. The main focus of this class is on pregnancy and childbirth, and this group session with 12 hours of class time also discusses pre-birth parenting and the consciousness of the unborn baby.
Hypnobirthing encourages women to entrust in nature’s way of childbirth, and learn ways to relax their body and mind to prepare for a peaceful and comfortable experience.
HypnoBirthing includes:
Reading material: HypnoBirthing-- The Mongan Method
Class meetings and discussions to help you understand how a natural labor doesn’t have to be painful
Professionally written script templates for your practice
A copy of the program's CD "Rainbow Relaxation" including Birthing Affirmations to aid with stress reduction and relaxation
Information for your birth companion, as well as birth prompts
Discussion, demonstration, and practice of the the best birth positions
A comprehensive guide to pregnancy nutrition.
A selection of deep relaxation techniques that can be used when giving birth
Small classes for personal attention
Please contact us here for enrollment in HypnoBirthing® -The Mongan Method Course